Apply Now
In light of the recent announcement regarding the impact of the FY23 Military Personnel Budget shortage on PCS moves, we want to provide you with some helpful information to make the PCS season as transparent as possible for those directly affected.
For Incoming Airmen:
The MHO is now accepting a valid Report on Individual Personnel (RIP) and a current DD Form 1172 in lieu of orders. MHO will use these documents to validate eligibility and refer applicants to Liberty Park. This will allow applicants to be placed on the waiting list, however, valid orders will need to be provided prior to Liberty Park offering an applicant a home.
The application process to live on Joint Base Andrews is a two-step process that partners with our government counterpart, Military Housing Offices (MHO). Step 1 must be completed before moving on to step 2. Once Liberty Park at Andrews receives the housing referral from MHO, you will be contacted and assigned to one of our Resident Specialists. This Resident Specialist will be your main point of contact and will assist you in finding a home on Joint Base Andrews.
Step 1: Military Housing Office (MHO) Application
Please go to website and locate the HEAT logo (see below). Click the HEAT logo, follow the prompts, and fill in the information about yourself.
MHO required documents for eligibility verifications
Active-Duty Personnel - Copy of Orders
National Guard and Reserve Members – Orders of Documentation Showing Unit Attachment
Federal Civil Service Employees – Proof of Employment
Retired Uniformed Service Members – Copy of DD 214
Retired Civil Service Employee – Copy of SF 50
Permanent Employees of DoD Contractors – Proof of Employment
If you have additional questions, MHO can also be contacted directly at: / (301)981.0248.
Step 2: Liberty Park at Andrews Application*
*you cannot move onto this step until you have completed Step 1 and Liberty Park has received the housing referral from MHO.
Active Duty
Active Duty required documents*
Copy of Orders
Copy of Your Two (2) Most Recent LES's
DEERS Form DD1172-2 for All Dependents
Other Eligible Tenant (OET)
*Due to our high occupancy rates, home offers for OET applicants are currently experiencing extremely long wait times. As a result, we may soon stop accepting OET applications. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we navigate this demand.
Other Eligible Tenant (OET) Application
Other eligible tenant required documents*
Copy Of State Issued ID & SSN Card - For Everyone 18 Years and Older
Proof of Eligibility - Enlistment Papers, Job Offer Letter, Retirement Orders
Proof of Any and All Income - Includes Retirement Pay, Disability, Social Security, Etc.
$50 Application Fee - Single Payment Authorization Form, Cashiers Check, or Money Order
*OET Application: Fill out this application if you are Reserve of National Guard, a Federal Civil Service / DoD Employee, a Retired Active Duty Military Member, or a Retired Civil Service / DoD Employee.
*Documents: We are aware that Liberty Park at Andrews requires some of the same documents as MHO does. Unless you give MHO permission to share your PII, you will have to submit those documents to Liberty Park at Andrews and MHO.
Screening: After you have completed the Applications and submitted all of the required documents listed, we will run a background and credit check on the future leaseholder as well as a criminal check on everyone 18 yrs and older. You will only be able to move on to step 3 IF the results of the screenings are satisfactory. Applicable to OET applicants only. Active-Duty Military is not required to go through the screening process.
Step 3: Waitlist Addition
After your application has been processed and approved, you will be assigned to a Resident Specialist who will be your main Point of Contact. Once you are near the top of the waitlist, your Resident Specialist will reach out to you with an official offer and guide you through the move-in process. Feel free to reach out to your Resident Specialist with any questions or concerns about your position on the waitlist or the move-in process.